Life Gazing

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- an interview with Pamela Soltis

"Currently the angiosperms are by far the largest group of plants and the most important from an ecological standpoint. They inhabit all sorts of environments. They make up the majority of a lot of different habitats, such as grasslands (all the grasses are flowering plants), most forests except for the boreal forests, and most terrestrial habitats on the face of the planet. They provide food sources and shelters for the organisms that live in these habitats. On a more personal note to humans, they provide us with most of our food and, in certain areas, a lot of our shelter materials."



Brenda takes with her a small bag woven in rich patterns, filled with ground millet, following traditions passed down to her in knowledge. When she comes to a place that she feels is special, she dips her hand into the bag and scatters the millet with a message of gratitude, giving thanks to the environment in her own way.

I have felt incredibly thankful, while walking in the wild woods of Colorado. I have seen all manner of plants, waterfalls, dead trees surrounded by the creeping vines of new growth, and tiny animals. I have dipped my hands into water, my feet too, letting my gratitude take off downstream like a ribbon caught in a flood. 

I will be eternally grateful to the Earth for her generosity, and not least of all, for the wildflowers.



alpine aster

red desert paintbrush

purple mustard


alpine buttercups

chiming bells


creeping thistle

subalpine larkspur

marsh marigolds

subalpine paintbrush

fairy slipper

silvery lupine


SOURCES AND FURTHER READING: - interview with Pamela Soltis