December 23, 2016 Zoe Eccles NARNIA December 23, 2016 Zoe Eccles ❄ ❄ ❄ “The White Witch walkedthrough the grovesof Finnish woodsDusting powder here and thereTill the trees were lost against the sky In carpets and cloaks of snowShe hung her mantle on the roadsideWhere the blackberries appeared last autumnAir and silenceAfternoon sunsetEndless dawnEarly eveningThe skies open onto a great swath of starsPale faced moons and milkShe seems sweetEnchantingChildren sledding in the morningCrone likeCauldrons Wisest, veiled oneFrozen, cold and darkShe turns the wheelDeathSoothing voice nowSinging to treesSap lays sleepingRestRest Rest and look inwardsDestroyer of oldShe allows the new to come forthBirthing the SpringCrocuses and bird song” ❄ ❄ ❄ Zoe Eccles