The real cinderella castle in winter, Germany.


& a poem for the coming of Spring...


s n o w  s h o w e r s

there comes a steady

'plip - plip'

heard from the undergrowth.

and the trees are
snow showers:

shimmering shards,
sun catchers...

spring is on her way.

There is a reason children are drawn to fairytales;
and, here, I may pose that the reason is thus:

That the mind of a child is less decided upon the nature of reality. Thus, children able to entertain the ideas of mysteries yet to be solved, alternate histories, and magic unseen.

Then again, more and more adults are awakening to find that, they too, possess child-like qualities. As adults, we can still recollect those days of curiosity, can still see the world from a place of new beginnings, and we may still look around us with a sense of awe and wonder.

For, aren't we all children, on this ancient Earth? A young species, still learning about our world.


The world is full
of magic things,
patiently waiting
for our senses to
grow sharper.
A snow flower made of ice crystals.
Cinderella's castle - Neuschwanstein castle perched on a rocky cliff surrounded by snow.
A mountain covered in pine trees, all blanketed in blue snow.
Neuschwanstein castle in black and white.
A blue pool sits at the bottom of a snowy crevasse.
Neuschwanstein Castle - the real cinderella castle, in winter beneath the snowy mountains.
An enchanted forest in winter - with sunlight filtering through the trees.
Cinderella's carriage pulled by two black steeds, in the enchanted forest.
Falling snow shimmers in the winter light amongst the trees.
cinderella castle
Tiny snow crystals against a wooden fence.
Neuschwanstein in black and white, high detail.
Snowy Neuschwanstein mountain in Germany.