noun | /ˈɡrädō/
One and a half billion years ago,
magma cooled
[verb: to arrange | 1. the arrangement between parts of something complex]
a bed
of quartz monzonite
fire -> rock
glittering boudoir undisturbed
15,ooo years ago,
the glacier began to melt
sending its waters
[verb: to pursue | 1. the sport of hunting game animals]
boulders and sediments
[verb: move rapidly | 1. to clean or brighten something by rubbing it hard | 2. to subject a place to thorough invesitagation in order to locate something]
into the rock bed
ice -> water
Water is a pilgrim
in the night
searching for a place
to rest
One month ago,
my breath caught in the chambers
cooled to clouds
when the outside world ran rivulets
under a hot sun
water stays here
rests a while
as ice
but will move on
when spring knocks
on the door of rocks
water -> ice
It is exquisite to observe
the way a billion-year-old-rock
[noun & verb: to hold | 1. the bed of an infant | 2. to hold protectively]
something as ephemeral
as seasonal ice